How to assemble the STILT® Ledge.

Step 1.

Engage the two teeth into the slots in the inner fold of the L-piece.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Open up your Lectern or Stand.

Step 4.

Flip your Lectern or Stand upside-down and insert the L-piece of your Ledge through the slot.

Choose which foot size best fits your book.

Step 1.

Fold the panel with the size sticker upwards.

Step 2.

Push the triangle forwards until it fits snugly over the L-piece and into the hinge.

Step 3.

Fold the front panel back towards the triangle until the magnets engage. If necessary, push the foot of the Ledge upwards to fit snugly against the Lectern hinge.

Step 4.

Attach your cradle and display your book!