Who We Serve

Williams Libraries

Williamstown MA


University Club


New York, USA

Toronto Metropolitain

University Library

Toronto Canada

Reid Byers

Grolier Club


Daniel Crouch

Rare Books

London, UK

Singapore Botanic Gardens

Art Gallery


Library of Congress



Librairie Clavreuil



Barbarian Press





Vienna, Austria

University of Tulsa

Macfarlane Library

Oklahoma, USA

Federal Office

of Culture

Bern, Switzerland



Paris, France

Swann Auction


New York, USA

Christie’s Auction House

New York USA

Robson Library

University of the Ozarks

Libreria Bardón

Madrid, Spain

University of Tulsa

Macfarlane Library

Oklahoma, USA


Research Library


The Netherlands

Museum Martena


The Netherlands

Divinity Library

Yale University

New Haven, USA

Cushing Whitney

Medical Library

Yale University


Collectie Six


The Netherlands

Groninger Museum


The Netherlands

Fisher Library

The University of Sydney

Sydney, Australia

Douglas Stewart Fine Books

Melbourne Australia

Institute for Advanced Study

Princeton USA

  • “Zojuist zijn de boekenwiegen aangekomen bij het Ruusbroecgenootschap in Antwerpen.Ik heb ze gelijk getest: ze zijn praktisch, gebruiksvriendelijk en heel erg mooi!”

  • “An expertly wrapped package… They're beautiful!!”

  • “Love the STILT! …Everything fits in it nice and neatly, it even takes my largest behemoth at 54 x 37cm with some careful positioning. They definitely look more classy on the STILT than on a squishy book cushion.”

  • “I just received my book cradle and I am so thrilled with it.”

  • “The Stilt cradle arrived safely at our house, in good time for Christmas.  And my wife was delighted with her gift. She set up the cradle our main table, and it looks great. “

  • “Thank you so much for figuring out a way for us to complete this order! The products are so nice and I’m excited to use them!”

  • “Thank you so much for your great products. We find the book cradles very practical and would like to order another set.”

  • “We are so much looking forward to the delivery! This will give a boost to our presentations in the coming year and I wouldn’t be surprised if additional orders follow as we begin using the cradles.”

  • “The shipment has arrived!  Thank you!  All safe and sound, beautifully wrapped and packed!  Now all I have to do is find some time to get my folios up on their Stilt and read them! “

  • “Nous avons bien reçu les stands et leurs accessoires ce matin. Nous sommes ravis.
    Un grand bravo aussi pour le packaging qui est de grande qualité.”

  • “What an impressive solution to our display problems!”

  • “I can't tell you what a difference the Reading Room Cradles have made to our use of materials in teaching. It's so easy to slide a book across our classroom tables now without worrying. Especially when working with paperbacks and earlier volumes with tender hinges, the 90º cradles have been a fantastic addition to our available supports.”

  • “The book cradles are here!  They are beautiful!  I have put the Chaucer up on the folio cradle.  The extra-large ledge was an EXCELLENT idea!”

  • “Everything arrived as expected and they are beautiful and they work great. I'll definitely come to you again if I need more.”

  • “The Cradles just arrived! The Second Chance STILTS are in excellent condition and fit the books perfectly!”

  • “We look forward to receiving the cradle and book weights, which really are the industry standard!”

  • “We love our Stilt products! The cradles in particular are already getting lots of use in our instruction sessions. We are going to allocate additional funds in next year’s budget so we can order more.”

  • ”I wanted to let you know that the box arrived at the library yesterday and we were so delighted to unpack it. The cradles are so excellent and will protect our smaller books so well! It is likely you will be hearing again from us with another order. Thank you for making this process so easy and rewarding, and for making such a terrific product!”

Put your book on a STILT®!