Surfacing Materials
A choice of surfacing materials.
Regular Anti-slip Surface
Our pop-up, open exhibition anti-slip surface is our default, regularly stocked surface. It is particularly suited to frequent use for display in open spaces. It helps to protect your books from mechanical damage due to falls, slips and bumps. When combined with pressure from the weight of a book, this surface provides the strongest anti-slip capability.
This material has long-lasting physical and chemical resistance. We recommend following the standard display guideline of airing your product for 30 days prior to use with heritage objects. This surface is not suitable for friable binding materials, silks, embroidered bindings, or any bindings with metal detailing.
Museum Anti-slip Surface
Our museum anti-slip option provides the best of both worlds, namely anti-slip qualities in a material that is a standard choice in the museum sector. We recommend this surface for rotating exhibitions.
Due to the more delicate nature of this surface, it may require more regular replacement.
Please let us know if you would like to have this surface on your products.
Museum Smooth Surface
This smooth surface is particularly suited to support friable materials. To benefit from this surface on any of your STILT products, you can accessorize with our Hammock. In true modular form, this gives you maximum economy of purchase and versatility when you are setting up your display.
Let us know if you intend to use your Hammock for rotating exhibitions and we can discuss the appropriate anti-slip surface for your needs.
Please request your preferred surface when ordering your STILT products.
Useful Exhibition Tips
We recommend that books be rotated regularly. A good rule of thumb is 3 months maximum per display. Consider turning a page of your book every day to limit light exposure.
Ensure adequate air circulation, a stable environment and limiting light exposure for all your exhibition designs. Exhibiting objects under glass requires special consideration due to the restriction of air circulation. For longer-term display situations, we recommend seeking the advice of a local conservator.
We recommend following the standard preservation guideline of airing your composite STILT product for 30 days prior to use with heritage objects.
For longer term exhibition under glass, consider using only single material angle-holding supports such as powder coated metal, plexiglass or museum-grade cardboard.
Put your book on a STILT®!